Social Evening
Every week we hold a social, usually on Wednesday evenings, which is great opportunity to meet up with and make new friends. Each week has a completely different theme, but equally fun event, organised by our lovely social secs! In the past we have ranged from scavenger hunts to Anything But Clothes parties, to wholesome pyjama movie nights or potluck dinners.
Everyone is welcome to come along and have a laugh and join the EUCC family! No membership is required, and feel free to let your friends tag along!
And of course, after our weekly Friday pool sessions you’ll find us in The Southsider, so drop by for a pint, some free nachos, and a chat!
Special Events
Every year we hold a Christmas Dinner, and a Ceilidh’at a special location. These are opportunities to dress up, relax, and have fun in the company of friends. If you’ve never been to a ceilidh its not to be missed! (and ours is the best for sure)